MMA Kick Boxing Pad Strike Shield MMA Thai Focus Arm Punching Bag Muay Thai

Sale price$140.95 Regular price$249.95
Only 16 left in stock


If you’re into kickboxing or mixed martial arts, this kickboxing strike shield pad by Randy & Travis Machinery will give you all you need to practice your moves safely. Made from sturdy hide leather and shock-absorbent gel,  this shield will protect you from blows as you build your competitive edge.

Reinforced stitching and straps provide extra durability, while thick foam padding provides heavy-duty shock absorption. Two adjustable straps and one stationary strap make sure the pad stays on—even during the most brutal workout.

Features and specifications:

  • Dimensions: 37 x 19 cm x 8 cm (pad); 34 cm and 42 cm (adjustable straps)
  • Material: Leather, shock-absorbent gel, and foam padding
  • Quantity: 1 pair

Package Content:

1 x Pair of Kick Boxing Pad Strike Shield MMA Thai Focus Arm Punching Bag Muay Thai

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