How do I request a Price Match with Rivercity House & Home Co?
Simply present proof of the competitor’s advertised price to which includes their shipping cost for the identical product, and provide your postcode in the subject line.
Proof can include a screenshot, or a web link.
Our team will then verify the request by checking the competitors product is identical, available for immediate sale, and check shipping rates. Once verified, we will create a custom order for you. If you have already ordered, we will refund you the difference.
The price match is only valid prior to purchase, until 24 hours after your purchase.
Are there any exclusions?
- Offers not available to the general public including but not limited to trade pricing, bulk purchases, special events, club or membership offers
- Offers that include cash back
- Clearance, factory seconds, ex display, or refurbished products
- Products sold by third party sellers on a marketplace type platform, auction or classified listings
- Product prices which greatly vary from the manufacturers RRP
- Error fares or prices
- Overseas suppliers